Escrow Account Disputes in 2024: What Buyers and Developers Must Know?

Navigating Legal Frameworks and Recent Developments in UAE Real Estate Transactions
16 ottobre 2024 di
Kavitha Panicker

In the United Arab Emirates, escrow accounts play a pivotal role in ensuring the integrity and security of real estate transactions, especially for off-plan property sales. The concept of escrow in real estate was introduced to protect buyers and regulate the relationship between developers, buyers, and the government. However, disputes can arise over escrow accounts, particularly when mistakes occur in the management of funds or the creation of the account itself. This article will explore the legal framework surrounding escrow account disputes in the UAE, with a focus on the latest developments and regulations as of 2024.

What is an Escrow Account?

An escrow account is a legally regulated account used primarily in real estate transactions to ensure that funds paid by the buyer for off-plan properties are held securely by an independent third party, typically a bank approved by the UAE Central Bank. The escrow law is primarily governed by Law No. 8 of 2007 (Escrow Account Law) in Dubai and similar laws in other emirates, ensuring that developers can only access these funds once they meet certain construction milestones.

Common Disputes in Escrow Accounts

Disputes involving escrow accounts often arise in cases where mistakes have been made either in the administration of the account or in the handling of funds. These mistakes can include:

  1. Misallocation of Funds: Funds may be mistakenly allocated to the wrong project or used before meeting the required construction milestones.
  2. Erroneous Withdrawals: Developers may mistakenly or intentionally withdraw funds in violation of the escrow regulations.
  3. Improper Creation of Escrow Accounts: Sometimes, escrow accounts are not set up properly, or a transaction may proceed without a valid escrow arrangement, which can lead to disputes between developers and buyers.

Legal Recourse in Case of Mistakes

If a dispute arises over an escrow account, the parties involved can seek legal recourse through the UAE courts or arbitration. The Dubai Land Department (DLD) and its Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA) play a crucial role in regulating and supervising escrow accounts in the emirate of Dubai. In other emirates, similar authorities exist to oversee compliance with escrow laws.

In cases where funds were handled incorrectly or where the escrow account was created improperly by mistake, the law provides buyers with certain protections. They can file a complaint with RERA or the relevant regulatory body, and if the case escalates, it may be referred to the courts.

Law Decrees and Updates for 2024

In 2024, the UAE continues to emphasize transparency and protection for real estate buyers through enhanced regulations on escrow accounts. Authorities like the Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA) have introduced tighter controls and imposed stricter penalties for developers that mishandle escrow funds, even in cases of mistakes. Developers are subject to more rigorous checks on how they manage escrow funds, with regular audits and mandatory reporting to the authorities.

RERA has also facilitated quicker resolution of disputes involving escrow accounts, reducing the time buyers have to wait to resolve issues. Developers found guilty of mishandling escrow funds face severe penalties, including suspension of their license to operate and substantial fines.

The Role of the Courts in Escrow Account Disputes

Escrow account disputes that are not resolved through administrative channels often end up in the civil courts. The UAE courts have demonstrated a consistent approach toward protecting buyers, especially in cases where funds were misallocated or improperly withdrawn from escrow accounts. If a court finds that an escrow account was mismanaged or a mistake occurred, it has the authority to order the developer to return funds to the escrow account or directly to the buyer.

Additionally, buyers may seek compensation for any financial losses incurred due to errors in escrow management. Developers, on the other hand, must prove that the error was unintentional and that they acted in good faith, which can mitigate their liability but does not necessarily eliminate it.


The UAE's legal framework for escrow accounts remains robust in 2024, providing essential protections for real estate buyers. While mistakes in escrow account management can lead to disputes, recent legal developments ensure that buyers have legal recourse and that developers face stricter penalties for errors or non-compliance. The Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA) and other authorities continue to play a critical role in safeguarding buyers' interests, ensuring transparency in the management of escrow accounts, and providing effective mechanisms for dispute resolution.

For anyone involved in a real estate transaction in the UAE, understanding the updated laws and regulations governing escrow accounts is essential to avoid costly mistakes and ensure a smooth transaction process.

For further information or assistance regarding this visa or any other legal inquiries, please feel free to contact us at +971.4.4221944 - reception@alsafarpartners.com 

Written By: 

Mrs. Kavitha Panicker - Managing Partner at Al Safar and Partners Law Firm.